Préstamos para estudiantes de educación privada
¿Qué es un préstamo estudiantil privado?
Los préstamos estudiantiles privados son préstamos para su educación que obtiene a través de un prestamista privado como un banco y no están financiados por el gobierno federal. Mire el video para obtener más información sobre cómo funcionan los préstamos privados.
¿Dónde puedo obtener un préstamo estudiantil privado?
Debe presentar su solicitud directamente a través de un prestamista. Usted es libre de elegir cualquier prestamista que desee. Si elige pedir prestado a un prestamista, puede considerar usar una herramienta llamada ELM visitando ELM Select. ELM Select ayuda a los estudiantes de pregrado, posgrado e internacionales a determinar qué prestamista y producto es el adecuado para ellos. Puede filtrar por prestamista, tipos de pago, tasa de índice, inscripción y progreso satisfactorio. También puede comparar prestamistas y sus productos para determinar el mejor préstamo de educación privada para usted. Empezar.

Cómo solicitar un préstamo estudiantil privado
Los préstamos estudiantiles privados generalmente tienen requisitos de elegibilidad más estrictos. Los prestamistas pueden requerir un buen puntaje de crédito y un cosignatario. Si está considerando pedir un préstamo a través de un prestamista privado, lo alentamos a que:
- Se asegure de haber agotado todas las demás fuentes posibles de ayuda financiera, incluidos los préstamos federales primero.
- Busque maneras de reducir sus gastos antes de decidir cuánto pedir prestado.
- Pida prestado sólo lo que absolutamente necesita.
- Haga preguntas y compare las tasas y los términos ofrecidos por diferentes prestamistas.
- Aprenda a comparar préstamos estudiantiles con iGrad, el socio de bienestar financiero de ASU.
¿Cómo obtendré mi préstamo?
Los términos de préstamo certificables son otoño/primavera (mismo año académico), solo otoño, solo primavera y solo verano. Eso significa que los préstamos solo se pueden procesar y desembolsar para estos términos académicos.
Préstamos a dos semestres
Si su préstamo está certificado para los semestres de otoño y primavera, la primera mitad de sus fondos se desembolsará en el semestre de otoño y la segunda mitad en el semestre de primavera.
Préstamos a un solo plazo
Si su préstamo está certificado para un solo plazo, su préstamo de educación privada se desembolsará en un solo desembolso.
Cronograma de desembolso
Su préstamo de educación privada se desembolsará dentro de los 8 a 10 días hábiles a partir de la fecha en que reciba la Declaración de Divulgación de Consumación del Préstamo. Las regulaciones federales prohíben que los prestamistas y las escuelas desembolsen fondos hasta que haya pasado el período de cancelación.
¿Cómo pagar los préstamos estudiantiles privados?
Private loan FAQs
ASU cannot certify private education loans across several terms and/or academic years.
Certifiable terms include:
- Fall/Spring of the same academic year
- Fall only
- Spring only
- Summer only
If you are attempting to pay off a past due balance from a previous term and then enroll in a current or future term, you should apply for a separate loan for each term.
It takes approximately 20 business days from the day ASU certifies the private loan until it will disburse.
Once ASU receives the required information from the private lender:
- You will receive an email confirming that the private loan has been certified.
- After ASU certifies your private loan, the certification record must be transmitted back to the private lender. There is then a federally mandated seven to 10 business day waiting period before any funds can be disbursed.
- After the waiting period, the private lender will then transmit the funds to ASU for disbursement. Once received, ASU will assign the funds to your account and issue any refund.
Due to the steps, the electronic transmissions involved and the mandatory waiting period that must elapse, students can expect to receive their private loan disbursement approximately 20 business days from the date ASU certifies the loan.
Your private education loan is most likely showing a disbursement hold on My ASU because we have not yet received the private education loan funds from your lender. Once we receive the funds, they will disburse to your student account within three to five business days.
If you are not meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress, are not enrolled at least half-time, or are non-degree seeking ASU will review your file once we receive your private loan funds to determine if you are eligible for disbursement.
If your lender does not require that you meet SAP, or allows for less than half-time or non-degree seeking programs, ASU will disburse your private education loan funds to your student account within three to five business days.
A private loan may be used to pay your past due balance from a previous semester or year. Contact your lender to verify that they will fund a loan for a past due balance. Each lender has different criteria when applying for a private loan.
Once you confirm the lender will fund a private loan for a past due balance, please ensure that you request the loan period in which the past due amount is located. You may wish to notify Financial Aid and Scholarship Services; however, please be aware that we are unable to review your private education loan request until the lender transmits the information to us. Your private loan must be certified in order to cover your past due balance. Once the loan funds are received, they will be applied to your student account to pay your past due balance.
If your private loan was certified for the current year and has not yet been disbursed, the loan can be changed to cover a past due balance for the prior year, if approved by your lender.
You are free to choose any lender you wish. ASU does not recommend or promote any lenders. However, to expedite loan applications and disbursements, you may want to consider a lender that is compatible with ELM (an electronic student loan management system).
Find lenders compatible with ELM by visiting ELM Select. ELM Select is a great tool for undergraduate, graduate and international students to determine which lender and product is right for them. Filter by lender, repayment types, index rate, enrollment and satisfactory academic progress. Then, compare lenders and their products side by side to decide the best private education loan option.
You may research a variety of lenders to secure a private education loan. Any questions you have about the loan itself and application or processing times should be directed to your lender. ASU will not know the details of your arrangement.
Please remember that once your loan is approved by a lender, there will be a transition period between when the loan is certified by ASU and when your lender disburses the funds. Ask your lender about processing timelines.
The SAP Violation hold will prevent ASU from disbursing your private loan funds. Disbursement of your private education loan is dependent upon your private lender’s policies. ASU will review your file once we receive your private loan funds from your lender to determine if you are eligible for disbursement. If your lender does not require that you meet SAP, then ASU will disburse your private education loan funds within 5 to 7 business days of receipt of funds.
You may visit ELM Select and use the Satisfactory Academic Progress Required filter to determine your lender’s SAP requirement.
Once your private loan has been certified by ASU Financial Aid and Scholarship Services, the amount cannot be increased. You will need to contact your lender directly and request that they send ASU another loan certification request for the additional amount.
If you would like to decrease your loan amount before or after disbursement, please contact your lender directly for information
Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada living in any province for over a year are eligible to receive a Canadian Student Loan by the Canadian government through the Canada Student Loan Program. Eligible borrowers may also receive loans through individual provinces either through their own programs or programs integrated with the CSLP. Loan funds are sent directly to the student from the providence it was obtained through. ASU does not receive funds.
Arizona State University processes the Canadian Student Loan applications one term at a time. Students should submit a new loan application each term when charges for that term are posted to their student account. The Canadian Student Loan applications should be submitted to Financial Aid and Scholarship Services via fass@asu.edu.*
*Note: Canadian Student Loan applications through British Columbia are processed directly on their website. An email is sent to ASU each time a new loan application is available for review.
Canadian Confirmation of Enrollment and Confirmation of Distance Education Eligibility forms are also processed one term at a time. Students should submit a new form each term to Financial Aid and Scholarship Services via fass@asu.edu.
Explore otros tipos de préstamos

Préstamo PLUS para Padres

Préstamos Grad PLUS

Préstamos privados para estudiantes