American Indian Funding

Funding Application Checklist:

Common items needed when applying for tribe funding:

  • Certificate of Indian Blood (CIB) or tribal member verification (i.e.- tribal ID card)
  • ASU Letter of Admission/Re-Admission. Most tribes require a copy of the student applicant’s admission letter and/or enrollment verification.

    NOTE: For graduate student applicants, some tribes may require two letters of admission: One from the ASU graduate college and one from the student’s respective college/program
  • Official high school and/or college transcripts
  • A completed FAFSA for the corresponding academic year
  • Financial Aid Award Letter or Financial Needs Analysis (FNA)
  • Email documentation here.

Frequently Asked Questions:

A Financial Needs Analysis (or FNA) is a form typically required by your tribe or nation that the Financial Aid And Scholarship Services completes for you and returns to your tribe. The form contains information on your ASU cost of attendance (tuition, fees, room/board etc.) and the resources (financial aid, Estimated Family Contribution from the FAFSA) you are receiving for the corresponding academic year or semester.

The purpose of an FNA is to assist your tribe in determining your eligibility for their scholarship and/or grant funding. When applying for funding from your tribe, an FNA is usually included in the application. Generally, you must complete your personal information and sign the form allowing our office to release your information. You must submit the remainder of the application to your tribe.

Our office will send you an email informing you once your FNA has been sent to your tribe. If your tribe has a website, create an account and check your progress there.

You can request a copy of your FNA through your tribe.

Requirements vary by tribe and are based on federal and/or tribal regulations. Some tribes offer assistance for students who are part time, be sure you are enrolled in the appropriate number of units your tribe requires to receive funding. Using the information listed on the funding application, contact your tribe's higher education or main office to determine enrollment requirements.

For information on requesting proof of enrollment, refer to the Registrar's website.

If you are an enrolled member of an Indian tribe whose reservation land lies wholly or partially in Arizona, you may qualify for resident tuition. To verify residency, refer to the Registrar's website.

Each tribe is unique and has different funding cycles. Contact your tribe to determine the timeline for application approvals and release of funds to ASU. Our office starts to release all scholarships and financial aid approximately 10 days before the start of each semester and continues to release funds throughout the semester as additional funds are received.

To avoid delays with the processing of your aid, we encourage you to request that funds be sent to our office a minimum of 6 weeks prior to the start of the fall and spring semesters.

All checks should be made payable to the Arizona State University and include the student's name, ASU ID, credit requirement, and the semester(s) the check is to be applied toward in a separate letter.

Funds should be mailed to the address below:
Arizona State University
PO Box 870412
Tempe, AZ 85287-0412

ASU has partnered with Navajo Nation to complete students FNA through the Office of Navajo Nation Scholarship and Financial Assistance (ONNSFA) online portal. ASU is notified to complete an online FNA for a student once they have submitted their scholarship application to ONNSFA. Once the application is submitted, within 2-3 days, ONNSFA will notify ASU to complete a FNA.

Please add the following contact information to your application to ensure proper processing:

ASU has partnered with Gila River Indian Community, San Carlos Apache or White Mountain Apache to complete a FNA report. ASU will hold all FNAs from the deadline and then will submit a report to the each tribes with the relevant information.

FNAs for these tribes are not submitted until charges for the indicated semester are posted. These tribes require actual tuition charges to be submitted.

Freshmen/Sophomore who are part of Navajo Nation are part of the "Native American Achievement Program. The Native American Achievement Scholarship Program funds are awarded each fall and spring semester in three scheduled disbursements. If your funds are not posted, have not disbursed or were cancelled, please contact your NAAP advisor.

The Tribal Scholarship-Pending is a placeholder for the anticipated spring funding from a student’s tribe. This is not actual funding and will be removed once funds have been received for spring.

Still have questions?

Please email your questions about ASU financial aid.