Drug conviction resolution
This item holds the awarding and disbursement of financial aid if it is listed on your priority task list on My ASU.
You are required to complete this to do list item because you indicated on your FAFSA that you either:
- Left question 23 on your FAFSA blank
- Reported that you have been convicted of any offense under Federal or State law involving the possession or sale of a controlled substance. The length of the suspension depends on the type of offense and the number of convictions.
Financial Aid and Scholarship Services will need to comply with the drug-conviction related to student eligibility requirements of section 484 of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended.
- If you left the drug conviction question on your FAFSA blank or answered the question in error, please make a correction to your FAFSA at fafsa.gov.
- If you answered correctly on the drug conviction question on your FAFSA, you must complete the Student Aid Eligibility Worksheet that the U.S. Dept. of Education sent to you and return it to the Dept. of Education. Do not submit the worksheet to ASU. If you did not receive a worksheet, please call 1-800-4FEDAID.