2023-2024 Independent household size and number in college verification

If this item is listed under your Financing Tasks on My ASU, your financial aid awarding and disbursement will be placed on hold.

Why this is needed

This form is used to verify the accurate number of household members and number of household members in college at least half-time that should be reported on your FAFSA. 


  1. For the purposes of federal student aid, only those receiving the majority of their financial support from you or your spouse (if married) can be included in the household size.
  2. Any time a form indicates that a family member is also attending ASU, the family member's FAFSA will be evaluated to ensure no conflicting information exists.
  3. Foster children are not included in the household size, unless they are part of the Kinship Foster Care program. In that case, additional documentation may be requested.


  1. Click on the eForm below and follow the instructions provided.
  2. Submit the eForm.

You can view your document status on My ASU’s Finances tab. Please allow two to three business days for a receipt to show in your Financing Tasks.

Complete and submit online.

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