Scholarship Administrators



ASU administers the posting and disbursement of scholarship awards electronically through the Distributed Scholarship Posting (DSP) in PeopleSoft. Scholarship administrators may use this resource to reference related ASU policies and procedures and find answers to frequently asked questions.

Getting Started

  1. To perform responsibilities associated with scholarship administration, users will need to request the role of Distributed Scholarship Poster via the ASU PeopleSoft Security Request.  See detailed procedures in the Scholarship Administrator Training Canvas course.
  2. Users must complete the required online DSP User Training in Career Edge (Allow 3-7 days from completion).
  3. Once access has been approved, contact the Primary Contact in your school, college or administrative unit for access to departmental scholarship item types. Please direct DSP access questions to your primary contact. 

If contact information is out of date or additional technical assistance is needed, contact the Scholarship Office at (480)965-5940 or

User Resources

Scholarship Administrator Training Canvas course - We have now created a user-friendly Canvas course that combines all Scholarship Administrator information in one place, and provides an overview of the three main processes associated with using the scholarship portal and DSP (creating a portal scholarship, pulling data from scholarship applications to select recipients, and posting new scholarships). The course is designed specifically for scholarship administrators like you and  serves as a training guide and a quick reference resource during the scholarship cycle

Bulk Post Spreadsheet -It is possible to upload a list of scholarships to post via an excel spreadsheet. 

ScholarshipUniverse Request form - Use this form to submit requests related to ScholarshipUniverse, including: modifying user roles, adding new item types, uploading documents, updating organization/department names, modifying questions, or adjusting the review committee. Please provide detailed information for each request. Allow up to 7 business days for review and processing.

Financial Resources

ASU Foundation Resources

To gain access to ASU EP Workday for donor gift accounts, please send an email request to