Qualified tuition reduction
Qualified Tuition Reduction Program
The Qualified Tuition Reduction Program permits eligible employees to take advantage of educational opportunities at the University.
For additional information
Please review SPP 505, Employee-Reduced In-State Tuition, for additional information regarding eligibility and benefits.
Qualified tuition reduction program eligibility

Reduced in-state tuition is available to faculty and staff who are employed at least 50% within the state university system, their spouses and dependent children. You must be employed on the first day of the session to be eligible for employee reduced in-state tuition. At ASU, the Qualified Tuition Reduction Form must be submitted on or before the first day of a session to qualify for reduced tuition.
Institutional merit-based aid provided by the University will not exceed the value of stated resident tuition for each respective academic year when combined with the Qualified Tuition Reduction (QTR, a benefit for faculty and staff) or other tuition reduction programs (or waivers). Students offered multiple awards designated for base tuition, cannot receive more than 100% of base tuition. For questions regarding how your qualified tuition reduction benefit may impact your other financial aid awards, please contact Financial Aid.
Additional information
ASU employees must complete and submit the Qualified Tuition Reduction Form each semester to receive the reduced in-state tuition benefit for classes taken at ASU, University of Arizona and Northern Arizona University. Forms can be signed and submitted electronically utilizing Adobe Sign. Forms can be obtained online and will be routed accordingly to Student Business Services for review and processing upon electronic signature by the employee. Please allow 3-5 business days before your qualified tuition reduction benefit will be reflected on your ASU student account. Forms should be submitted prior to the first day of classes and early to ensure timely processing. The outstanding balance of the ASU tuition will remain on your student account and should be paid by the tuition payment deadline to avoid late fees.
Please note there is a separate qualified tuition reduction form for classes at U of A or NAU and for ASU retirees taking classes at U of A, NAU or ASU. The qualified tuition reduction form for U of A/NAU/Retiree staff must be approved by staff in ASU Human Resources and then will be forwarded accordingly to the tuition payment office at the campus where classes are being taken.
Employees of ASU affiliate organizations are also eligible for the qualified tuition reduction benefit upon verification of their employment with the affiliate organization. A different form is necessary for employees of ASU affiliates. Upon submission of the form, ASU Student Business Services will verify employment with the applicable affiliate contact and, when confirmed, will apply the tuition reduction benefit. Due to the additional verification involved, please allow 7-10 business days for your benefit to be reflected on your ASU student account.
All forms are available on the CFO website along with additional information about the qualified tuition reduction benefit. For questions or for employees preferring to manually sign their qualified tuition reduction form, please contact Student Business Services at tuitionreduction@asu.edu.