Student Dislocated Worker
If you have this item in your priority task list on My ASU, you have reported on the FAFSA that you or your spouse are a dislocated worker or a displaced homemaker.
Important Note: This item does not hold the awarding or disbursement of financial aid and is only placed on your priority task list to inform you of the option of reporting a decrease of income. If you do not wish to report a decrease of income, please notify Financial Aid and Scholarship Services in writing so this item can be removed from your priority task list.
In general, a person may considered a dislocated worker if he or she:
- is receiving unemployment benefits due to being laid off or losing a job and is unlikely to return to a previous occupation;
- has been laid off or received a lay-off notice from a job;
- was self-employed but is now unemployed due to economic conditions or natural disaster; or
- is a displaced homemaker. A displaced homemaker is generally a person who previously provided unpaid services to the family (e.g., a stay-at-home mom or dad), is no longer supported by the husband or wife, is unemployed or underemployed, and is having trouble finding or upgrading employment.
A dislocated worker is not defined as someone who voluntarily quit his or her job.
- If you feel that you or your spouse meets one of the conditions above for being a dislocated worker or a displaced homemaker, complete a Student Review form and indicate your or your spouse's status.
- If you or your spouse do not meet the conditions for being a dislocated worker or displaced homemaker, you should also complete a Student Review form and indicate a loss of income.
- If you or your spouse did not lose or quit your job, or you do not wish to report a decrease of income, please notify Financial Aid and Scholarship Services in writing so this item can be removed from your priority task list.