Scholarship guide
How do I renew my scholarship?
All new and continuing ASU merit scholarship recipients must successfully complete a minimum of 30 ASU credit hours for the academic year by the end of each spring semester.
You must maintain a minimum 3.00 ASU cumulative GPA for the academic year by the end of the Spring semester. See semester criteria below for additional information.
You must be continuously enrolled at the university in order to have your scholarship renewed for the next academic year.
Any break in enrollment without an approved deferment on file with the scholarship office will result in a loss of your scholarship. Please see the leave of absence/scholarship deferment section below.
If you are awarded a scholarship but have an approved deferment for the fall and plan to attend in the spring, you will need to complete a total of 15 ASU credit hours with a minimum 3.00 ASU cumulative GPA by the end of the spring semester. You must successfully complete a total of 30 ASU credit hours with a minimum 3.00 ASU cumulative GPA by the end of each remaining spring semester.
If you have a New American University scholarship at the National Scholar, President’s, Provost’s, or Dean’s level and you complete your undergraduate degree in less than eight semesters, any remaining semester scholarship amount may be applied to an ASU immersion graduate degree program. Additional details may be found on our Merit Award Commitment FAQs.
- To remain eligible, you must be admitted and enrolled full time in an ASU immersion graduate degree program immediately following your undergraduate degree completion.
- There must be no gap in enrollment.
- The New American University scholarship may not exceed eight semesters total.
Renewal criteria
To renew the scholarship at the graduate level, you must:
- Maintain full-time enrollment (9+ credits per semester).
- Maintain a minimum cumulative ASU GPA of 3.00.
- Credit from ASU-sponsored study abroad courses (fall/spring semesters only).
- Credit from concurrent enrollment in a University of Mary course.
The following do not satisfy credit hour requirements for renewal eligibility; however, these may be used toward your overall credits for degree completion:
- Credits from consortium agreement courses, repeating a course, receiving an incomplete, “Z” or auditing a course.
- Advanced Placement credits, transfer credits from other colleges/universities or correspondence courses.
- Credits earned at ASU before the start of your admitted academic year. However, note that ASU grades earned before the start of your admitted academic year are used to calculate your ASU cumulative GPA.
Seniors in their final semester can still receive their scholarship with less than full-time enrollment if they need fewer than 12 credits to complete their degree. They must enroll in their final semester and have an approved graduation application for that semester. This applies only to fall and spring semesters.
Students who have accommodations approved by the Student Accessibility and Inclusive Learning Services office may be eligible to receive their scholarships while attending part-time. Learn more about this option on the Student Accessibility and Inclusive Learning Services website.
How will a change of status affect my scholarship?
Changing your status from nonresident to resident will result in the adjustment of cost of attendance, scholarship and financial aid amounts. If you are meeting renewal criteria, certain eligible scholarship amounts will be adjusted to the equivalent resident award effective beginning the semester of your status change. Please be aware that after your scholarship is either adjusted or canceled, you will be responsible for payment of any resulting charges on your student account.
Changing your campus, major or tuition classification will result in adjustments to your cost of attendance, scholarship and financial aid amounts. Examples include students participating in the Western Undergraduate Exchange and ASU in Lake Havasu programs, and students who qualify for the reduced Non-Resident Tuition Rate for Arizona High School Graduates.
You must remain self- or family-funded to qualify for your merit scholarship. If you become sponsored by a third-party, you will no longer be eligible for the scholarship.
- Acceptable deferment reasons are circumstances outside of your control, or a unique learning experience related to your studies at ASU.
- For a list of eligible reasons for a deferment request, visit https://tuition.asu.edu/forms/scholarship-deferment-application.
- If you’re a National Merit Finalist, you will also need to notify National Merit directly of your deferment.
- If you leave the university without an approved deferment on file, you will forfeit your scholarship
- If you leave ASU to attend another post-secondary institution, you will forfeit your scholarship.
Students enrolled in an ASU Online major are ineligible for these scholarships. If you change your major to an online major, you will lose your scholarship eligibility.
What can I do if I am not meeting renewal criteria?
Contact your academic advisor to help you get back on track.
Your advisor will help you review your progress and discuss possible summer enrollment options that can help you meet the enrollment criteria. You can find your academic advisor on My ASU.
Enroll in ASU summer session courses
If you need to complete additional credit hours or improve your cumulative GPA to meet renewal criteria, you can take summer classes to get back on track.
Please note that scholarships are only applied to fall and spring semesters, and may not be used toward summer sessions, so you will need to find other options to pay for summer courses. Work with your advisor to see if a summer enrollment option could help you remain eligible.
Use My ASU
View your advisor information, eAdvisorTM tracking status, academic status reports and progress reports. You can also use the chat feature to ask questions and get help finding resources.
Visit an ASU counseling center
Counseling and mental health services are available to you at each ASU campus. Counseling staff have training and experience in issues facing university students and are committed to helping you adjust to campus life and meet your academic goals. You can get help 24/7.
Visit an ASU counseling center
The Student Success Center offers free academic support resources for all students including tutoring, writing support, structured study groups, coaching, success courses or a place to study on your own. Connecting with these resources can help you develop the skills to be successful as you work toward your degree.
If you are at risk of losing your scholarship, the Scholarship Maintenance Plan can help you get back on track and may let you retain a portion of your academic award.
An appeal might be an option only if you have experienced significant, extenuating circumstances beyond your control, such as an extended, serious medical emergency.
To see examples of extenuating circumstances and read more about the scholarship appeal process, visit the Scholarship Appeals page.
The Scholarship Guide is specifically for the following scholarships:
National Merit and National Recognition
Leadership Scholarship Program
Arizona Academic Decathlon Finalist and Top Score
New American University Merit Awards
ASU Flinn Semi-Finalist Award
Renewal criteria for other awards may differ. Visit program webpages to learn about renewal criteria for ASU’s Transfer Achievement, All-Arizona Academic Team and ASU Scholastic Awards.
Eligible students who participate in the Qualified Tuition Reduction (QTR) program should review details about how QTR impacts their institution merit award. Learn more.
Your undergraduate ASU scholarship
- Starts the semester of your admission to ASU. If you don’t start at ASU in that semester and do not have an approved deferment, any future semesters of your scholarship are forfeited.
- First-time, first-year students must enroll at ASU the semester directly after high school graduation, unless they have an approved deferment. If you enroll at another institution after high school graduation for anything other than summer courses, you will no longer be eligible for the merit scholarship.
- Is awarded for full academic years, and is renewable up to eight total semesters for first-year students and four semesters for transfers. Merit scholarships are not available during summer terms.
- Is disbursed only if you are enrolled in ASU courses full time (12 credits) each fall and spring semester.
- Is forfeited for any fall or spring semesters that you are not enrolled in at least 12 credits (forfeited semesters will still be counted as a part of your eight consecutive semesters of scholarship eligibility). Students who will have a break in attendance must request a deferment in advance to maintain scholarship eligibility.
- May be comprised of university, department and private scholarships.
- Is available to full-time, on-campus students registered for iCourses and ASU Sync. International students must meet the requirements of their visa to renew their scholarship.
- Is not available to ASU Online students.
- ASU does not award multiple New American University scholarships to the same student. In the event you become qualified for a higher New American University scholarship, ASU will apply the higher dollar value award.
- You must remain self- or family-funded to qualify for this scholarship. If you become sponsored by a third-party, you will no longer be eligible for the New American University Scholarship.
- Scholarship award amounts may vary based on the campus you are enrolled in. Changes in program, residency, campus or tuition classification may result in a scholarship amount adjustment. See Residency and Tuition Classification Status.
How long will this scholarship be offered?
First-year scholarships
Your institutional merit scholarship has been awarded for a total of eight consecutive semesters of eligibility, fall and spring, toward completion of your first undergraduate degree, provided you meet the renewal criteria outlined below by the end of each spring semester.
Transfer scholarships
Your institutional merit scholarship has been awarded for a total of four consecutive semesters of eligibility, fall and spring, toward completion of your first undergraduate degree, provided you meet the renewal criteria outlined below by the end of each spring semester.