The Parent Review form allows families to inform ASU if their financial situation has changed since 2023.
Use this form only if there has been a significant change in your family’s overall situation.
The Parent Review form allows families to inform ASU if their financial situation has changed since 2023.
Use this form only if there has been a significant change in your family’s overall situation.
About the Student Income Reduction Review:
The Student Income Reduction Review allows students to inform ASU if their financial situation has changed since 2023, the year of income reported on the FAFSA. Use this form only if there has been a significant change in your family's overall financial strength.
What happens next:
If your family’s financial situation has changed since you filed your FAFSA, you may want to submit a Parent Review form. The review process will allow ASU to reevaluate your FAFSA and your Student Aid Index (SAI) — the measurement of your family's financial strength that helps determine your eligibility for need-based aid — to establish if you are eligible for additional aid based on the change in your special circumstances.
About the Student Income Reduction Review:
The Student Income Reduction Review allows students to inform ASU if their financial situation has changed since 2022, the year of income reported on the FAFSA. Use this form only if there has been a significant change in your family's overall financial strength.
What happens next:
Your cost of attendance (i.e., financial aid budget) is originally set to a standard amount based on a number of factors. You can request the financial aid office to review additional expenses by submitting this eForm.
Changes resulting from this review do not guarantee an increase in aid.
Use this form to request a review of your dependency status. Dependency appeals are only approved for documented unusual circumstances (i.e., abuse, abandonment, etc.). The Higher Education Act allows an aid administrator to make dependency overrides on a case-by-case basis for students with unusual circumstances. However, none of the conditions listed below, singly or in combination, qualify as unusual circumstances or merit a dependency override: